So...I have not been the uppermost thing on my mind lately. At all. :-P I have still been meditating and walking most mornings with Tom. When I haven't been otherwise looping in unhappy patterns, I've put some attention into the co-op where I live, regular house stuff, and exploring replacing our half-busted oil heat with a super-efficient ground source heat pump.


Would I like to be the top-most thing on my mind again? I'm a bit nervous, I don't want to fail at it again, okay that melts as soon as I notice it. More substantially, what exactly to focus on? Is the idea of establishing an evening routine too hard (I do have a lot of resistance to it), or just not the right thing right now? In any case, a weekly review of what's on my mind seems like a good idea, so whatever I settle on I'll check in with myself next Monday morning to see how it's going and decide about setting a new focus or not.


The inquiry of what to focus on stirs things up — you mean I'm responsible for my own life? :-) I didn't start the day in a mood that would have included any amusement at that, but an unexpected call from a loved one first thing in the morning helped turn that around. Very grateful.


Just looked around my room and it is an absolute pit (laughing at the immediate obviousness of it). So, that is now my inquiry — how would I like my room to be? The easy general answer is warm, but spare, a large clear space on the floor, with lots of cushions. No computer. A corresponding inquiry is, what would I like to do right now toward my vision? Let's start with some easy picking-things-up, taking the computer out, and laundry...

#   on: September 20, 2010       tagged: