Shift Happens+resources

Shift Happens+resources

Resources for seeing the movement’s scale, and systems/process consciousness

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[Twelve] Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System — Donella Meadows

Upward Spiral — Paul Krafel (link to film, how to purchase, more resources) (40 minute version) (last three minutes)

The Tyranny of Structurelessness

I may never settle on terms for what we’re shifting from/to, because i don’t think either can be captured in a term. Here are lists of the deep assumptions i see (calling what we're shifting to “power-with” just as some way to refer to it):

A website about Process Arts

The Tao of Democracy — Tom Atlee (more background, & some very large-scale, hopeful strategies)


In particular, Wisdom Council — an iteration of:

  1. Gatherings of random selections of people from whatever whole population who select issue(s) they believe matter, and are facilitated in a way that gets them through and beyond their usual perspectives and positions toward more whole/transformative creation of consensus suggestions,
  2. which are widely reflected to the larger population as part of ongoing action and conversation.


"Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly."
    --Chuck Lorre, Vanity Card #184


More of my Favorite Quotes


What resources do you have to offer?