I keep telling people that many of the same patterns apply across individual, group, community, network, regionially, globally, etc. It would probably be helpful to offer more examples once in a while:

I woke up today, discovered that I did not have any morning meetings, and went about getting breakfast, doing some cleaning, feeding the chickens, etc. At some point in that process I became aware of a time-critical item that really "should" be my highest priority, regarding my health. It won't take long, but because of its importance and my fear of it somehow going poorly (though that's honestly unlikely) I was feeling anxious about it, and I noticed I continued to do "home" things instead of starting my "desk" work. Realizing I was avoiding, I sat down to really do it.

Suddenly I realized I had picked up some other small desk-work thing to do, and started to again think that I was avoiding this important health item. Maybe I was, but I was also picking something less anxiety-provoking to start with in the new context of sitting at my desk. This can actually be a helpful pattern, as it can be in meetings. For a meeting example, any group has items that are very important, or are likely to be long, complicated and/or difficult. Before such items, it often helps to do a simpler or less important item that the group can handle quickly and easily. This gives the group an experience of accomplishment and progress that can reduce anxiety before diving into the more challenging item.

Then I stopped for 20 minutes to write this blog entry. :-)

We see a similar process between warring nations, or nations that are just beginning or trying to improve relationships — they often start with small gestures, involving little risk or effort. Sometimes they get stuck at this level of relationship, but often it serves to ease the way for more significant conversation and action.

Okay, on to my harder item...
#   on: October 12, 2011       tagged: