Wagn tour for Macroscope

Wagn is all built with cards within cards. It currently has a very simple commenting function which can be turned on for any card that looks like this:



Yup, it works! Try it yourself.

--John Abbe.....2015-02-13 16:49:16 +0000

http://wagn.org/commenting_overhaul is the blueprint for upcoming Wagn development on commenting.

--John Abbe.....2015-02-13 17:33:35 +0000


You can also build a very simple forum system with each comment in its own card. Second quarter of this year, the main Wagn developer will be doing some upgrades (for http://wikirate.org/), so it's a good time to get some requests in. Anything relatively simple and general purpose has a chance of getting implemented.