star cards
Pointer : empty
Pointer : empty
Pointer : empty
Resume Info+*type
Resume Info+*type+*structure
RichText :
Name (as you wish it to appear on your resume): {{+name}}
Phone: {{+phone}}
Address: {{+addr}}
E-mail: {{+e-mail}}
Home page {{+home page}}
Desired jobs: {{+desired jobs}}
Industries: {{+industries}}
Organizations/companies: {{+orgs}}
Education and Training
{{+education and training}}
education and training+*right
education and training+*right+*default
Pointer : empty
education and training+*right+*autoname
Search : /* fixit - once "type" accepts card defs:
{"and": {"plus": ["*watcher", {"refer_to": "_left"} ], "not": {"type": "Cardtype"} } },
{"type": {"plus": ["*watcher", {"refer_to": "_left"} ], "type": "Cardtype"} }
{"plus": ["*watcher", {"refer_to": "_left"} ],
"sort": "name"
*when created
*when created+*right
*when last edited
*when last edited+*right