expand_less You are hereby invited to a dinner and benefit for the [[Great March for Climate Action]] to learn more about it, talk with others about the crisis & what we're all doing or could be, and see me off on my journey! All funds raised go towards my participation in the march. You can spread the word by pointing people here or to the [[https://www.facebook.com/events/637650742956180/|benefit Facebook page]].
at The Long Haul, 3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, California
Friday, February 21, 6:30 dinner, 7:30-9pm program:

John presents briefly on the march, Q&A
Conversation with Bay Area climate action leaders
Small groups conversations
Ask and Closing

Official march website: http://climatemarch.org/Other ways you can support the march: http://climatemarch.718.cldstr.com/wagn/How_you_can_support_the_march[[Contact me]] if you would like to help out by bringing or making food (there is a kitchen at The Long Haul).This event is offered with the support of - and John's thanks to - Raines Cohen and Betsy Morris of East Bay Cohousing, http://www.ebcoho.org/
Update: Small turnout, but a great success! A few people (two from Russia) who just happened to show up at the Long Haul stayed and were very interested, and we actually raised more money than either of the other two fundraisers I'd held. Much thanks to Raines for MCing, and everyone who came out for the evening.