expand_less My name is John Abbe, and my life/work/play is about more real, free, creative, and powerful ways of seeing, doing and being, from the individual to groups to globally, from [[cat herder|cat herding]] to world undomination.
What I'm most involved with right now:

2014 [[Great March for Climate Action]]
[[Walnut Street Co-op]] (where I live)
[[NVC in Eugene]] (NVC = Nonviolent Communication)

This is my personal [[wiki]], which includes my [[blog]]. Some of what's here is me writing about things for others' benefit (and my own clarity), and some is notes and records for myself, done in public as a living experiment in transparency. My old website — http://ourpla.net/ — had more but has been lost for now at least, but here's a list of [[projects I find meaningful]], which is more up to date anyway.
There are many ways to [[contact me]].