expand_less Welcome! This is [[John Abbe]]'s new personal wiki. Some of what's here is me writing about things for others' benefit (and my own clarity), and some is notes to myself, done in public as a living experiment in transparency.My 'regular' home page http://ourpla.net/ has much more about me, though i'm working here on an even more complete list of [[projects i find meaningful]]. There's even more content on my [old[[http://ourpla.net/cgi/pikie|old wiki]], wiki][http://ourpla.net/cgi/pikie], but i am slowly transitioning to this one, because this site uses [[Wagn]], whicha software project i work on with the other [[Grass Commons]] folks, scratching some very old info-management itches of mine (poorly seelabeled http://ourpla.net/john/wikiweblogpim.html[[http://ourpla.net/john/wikiweblogpim.html|WikiWeblogPIM]]).{{Most-wanted features and bugfixes|view:line}}There are many ways to [[contact me]].