Sharing Eugene Map
Notes about the Eugene Sharing Resources, primarily featuring a map of Eugene with locations noted and information about each one.
To do before launch:
- finish good-enough draft of non-map content
- settle name for page
- anything else?
Next steps:
- Spread the word
- ?
Updating the web page around the map:
- (where to store canonical version of SharingEugeneResources.html?)
- FTP to and sign in with the username/password, navigate to and upload
Map maintenance:
- Go to the spreadsheet at
- ??
- Make sure that all addresses are real (e.g. nothing like "west side of Main Street between 17th and 18th") and enter latitude and longitude for entries that don't have them, using
- Make sure that urls begin with http:// or https://
- Click on the B column (Categories) and under the "Data" menu select "Sort by column B, A->Z"
It should no longer be necessary to update the HTML map file, but if it does come up:
- Go to and enter in the bottom of the right column (labeled "Or a URL that the map will load dynamically")
- In the left column, next to "General map parameters" click on "show advanced options" and for "Your project's API key" enter the API key. (You can ask John for it)
- Under "Waypoint options" in the "Generate list of markers" menu select "names & descriptions w/dividers" and for the width enter 200 pixels
- Click 'Draw the Map'
- Click the 'download' link (in the text just above the map) to save the map to your computer, and rename it "SharingEugeneMap.html".
- Edit the file, find the line with "url_links:false" and change it to "url_links:true"
- FTP to and sign in with the username/password, navigate to and upload SharingEugeneMap.html
Old method:
- Save the spreadsheet at as a .csv file on your computer using the menu "File...Download as"
- Go to and click "Browse..." next to "File #1" (in the right column) and select the .csv file
- In the left column, next to "General map parameters" click on "show advanced options" and for "Your project's API key" enter: AIzaSyAot7nM6PV6kdnNwz8xPjl8rF7O1Vx1q8Y
- Under "Waypoint options" in the "Generate list of markers" menu select "names & descriptions w/dividers" and for the width enter 275 pixels
- Click 'Draw the Map'
- Click the 'download' link (in the text just above the map) to save the map to your computer, and rename it "SharingEugeneMap.html".
- Edit the file, find the line with "url_links:false" and change it to "url_links:true"
- FTP to and sign in with the username/password, navigate to and upload SharingEugeneMap.html